The Journey to Greater Knowledge, Understanding and Awareness – Checklist for Seekers

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” –Teilhard de Chardin

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” –Teilhard de Chardin

By Skye Avalon

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
–Teilhard de Chardin

The “Affirmations for the Everyday Goddess” deck suggests a general time line for the stages of human psychological growth beginning at the 0 Fool card and ending at the 21 World card. The journey to higher states of awareness and the psychological stages of growth is a never-ending process of self-discovery. Below is a personal growth “Checklist for Seekers”. 

The purpose of your life journey is to attain clarity, wisdom and understanding in order to live a joyful life. You can become a joyful person by realizing everyday life is your path to knowing yourself and the Divine. The 17 Star card to the 21 World card are the ultimate goals of psychological growth: wisdom, discernment, freedom and knowing God (Absolute Pure Consciousness). 

These cards say that when you live your life with more awareness, everything you do is an opportunity for creative acts or good works in service to others, the world and the heavens. You then become an agent of the world’s evolutionary impulse by filling yourself up with Spirit’s divine, luminous energy in order to joyfully transform yourself and others.

Throughout your life journey, there will be many challenges. It is often through adversity that you can make the greatest progress. What may seem like very difficult situations to you – 13 Death, 15 Devil or 16 Tower – can result in immeasurable wisdom and good fortune (10 Wheel of Fortune – 16 Tower) once you understand the key teachings of these affirmations. When life is difficult, often it helps to remember that the meaning of your birth was for you to create a wonderful life knowing God. 

Somewhere along the journey, you may have a direct, personal experience with God (5 High Priest). This experience is a gift and should not be ignored because it is the beginning of the more meaningful aspects of self-knowledge (7 Chariot – 16 Tower).

CHECKLIST FOR SEEKERS – The Journey to Self-Knowledge Encompasses:
-Having a passion to know the answer to life’s most challenging questions and starting the journey
-Liberating yourself from disempowering and limiting beliefs
-A willingness to be ridiculed in order to try on new perceptions
-Observing, studying and becoming more connected with your thoughts and the invisible world
-Recognizing and honoring your connection to the whole cosmos
-Loving yourself enough to be of value to all other beings
-Nourishing your body, mind and spirit while celebrating your own life and the lives of all other beings
-Embodying and expressing joy and love through your body, mind and spirit
-Tirelessly protecting and unconditionally loving all beings
-Integrating many perceptions and beliefs
-Expanding your horizons and awareness by having an open mind
-Developing inner awareness and becoming integrated (internally and externally consistent)
-Moving past your personality and embracing your authentic self
-Studying the sacred texts of your culture, including them and moving beyond them
-Seeking knowledge and truth in order to understand God
-Believing in something greater than yourself
-Creating a sacred space and practicing inner silence
-Exploring unexplainable events with curiosity
-Loving yourself
-Loving another human being unconditionally
-Growing in love to include all of existence
-Surrendering to God
-Forgiving and letting go of the past
-Rewriting your personal history
-Re-creating a timeless, limitless, abundant you
-Integrating and aligning your personal power and your power of choice with the will of God
-Connecting to your dreams and passions and then using this life force energy to serve the higher good
-Discovering your own truths and then being true to yourself
-Taking responsibility for your choices and their consequences
-Suspending judgment while discerning natural hierarchies of truth
-Taking responsibility for manifesting your own personal destiny
-Embracing spiritual spontaneity (the play of consciousness)
-Being truthful to yourself and others
-Seeing through the illusion of events to uncover their ultimate meaning
-Enduring personal sacrifice for spiritual growth
-Releasing your ego’s identification with the material world (matter) and the mind
-Learning spiritual truths and experiencing God through your body and the physical world
-Being able to stand for your own truth
-Finding the eternal in the changing
-Practicing symbolic sight and embracing spiritual truth
-Integrating the duality of opposites
-Paying attention to your inner guidance, whether through visions, inspiration or intuition
-Bringing the “light of conscious awareness” to the hidden, hated parts of your self
-Healing the split between your inauthentic and authentic self
-Enduring the “dark night of the soul”
-Establishing a contemplative practice to remind you that you are loved and never alone
-Removing the irrelevant and unimportant
-Learning how to correctly translate God’s guidance
-Joining ordinary time with the spiritual perception of eternity
-Gaining wisdom through experience
-Turning adversity into blessings
-Awakening to your own responsibility for the empowerment of all of humankind
-The power to remember the past, present and future
-Surrendering illusions in order to receive divine truth
-Being love and energy to co-create the world you desire